Redesigning HealthifyMe App- By Introducing Compete & Connect Feature.

Introduction of the Project

Remember the last time you try to come out of your comfort zone and want to lose those extra Kgs you put on? But you are pretty confused about where to start your fitness journey and then you start searching online. 

You got to know about some apps that will help you in starting your Fitness journey and also in losing those extra kgs. So, you go ahead & download the app-fill all the details-now you land on the home page of the app. 

But now you are more confused than before and many questions & thoughts start flowing into your mind, for example

  1. Where do I begin my fitness journey? 
  2. Why are they asking numerous questions? 
  3. Locating diet and workout plans is proving challenging. 
  4. Navigating the app seems confusing.
  5. After a few days of Continuous Workouts, no motivation Left to Continue the Fitness Journey. 

Problem Statement

Limited User engagement and Users struggle with staying committed to health goals in the HealthifyMe App.

😍 What Did We Create?

🔥Preview of Our Creation

HealthifyMe Overview

Business: Health and Fitness

Q.What does the company do?

  • This app features a comprehensive dashboard that presents over 80 key metrics, aiding users in achieving better health and faster weight loss through meaningful analysis.
  • Additionally, it offers a wide array of tailored diet and workout plans to support various fitness goals.

Q. How does this app help its users?

  • The app offers carefully curated diet and workout plans to accelerate users' fitness goals.
  • Additionally, it provides top-notch coaches for personalized support and motivation.

📊How this Redesign will Positively Impact the Business?

  • User Retention: The Compete & Connect feature could help to improve retention by providing users with a reason to keep coming back to the app.
  • User Engagement: Compete & Connect feature has the potential to enhance user engagement by fostering a feeling of community and healthy competition among users.
  • App Downloads: When existing users share the app’s value and features, it inspires newcomers to download and join the community.
  • Active Users: As Users Take part in Challenges & become a part of the Community they will come back again & again to the App. this will help increase active Users of the app. 
  • User Acquisition: Users who are more engaged with the app are more likely to purchase premium features.
  • Brand Loyalty: Positive community experiences can lead to organic growth as satisfied users spread the word about the app’s value and unique features.
  • 🧑‍🤝‍🧑How this Redesign will help the users?

    How did we get here?

    Now Allow me to show you how we were able to arrive at this final solution. 

    📑Secondary Research

    Key Insights from the Secondary Research (From Articles & Research papers).

    User feedback on App Stores & Play store.

  • Lack of Visual Clarity & Cluttered UI- Several Users expressed difficulty with the HealthifyMe app’s visual layout. In review they have those icons and elements seemed randomly placed, leading to confusion about their connections and functions. 
  •  Search Challenge - Users have expressed difficulty in finding specific content on the HealthifyMe app due to the absence of search functionality in the current app setup. 
  •  Homepage Content Challenge- Users face issues identifying crucial information on the home page, causing confusion and hindering app navigation. Furthermore, the home page employs excessive colors and combines the Discover section content, resulting in a less effective user experience.
  • Missing Motivation Boost- The current app lacks a gamification element that offers challenges to users. This absence makes it harder for users to maintain motivation throughout their fitness journey.
  • 👥Primary Research

    Getting to know users through Interviews.

    We started our user research by conducting user interviews with 5 users, which vary from daily active users to infrequent users of the HealthifyMe app to understand what motivates or demotivates them to continue their Fitness journey and achieve their Fitness Goals.

    We Conducted 1-on-1 Interview With users over Video Calling Platform.

    The male interviewees were aged 20 & 48 years old, while all 3 females ranged from 23 to 50 years old, which in my opinion was a fair representative sample of HealthifyMe's current user base.

    What We Learned from User Interviews?

    📝Defining the problem & main goal

    By identifying recurring pain points experienced by a majority of users, we able to shape our problem statement and establish the main goal for our redesign efforts.

    Problem Statement

    • Limited User engagement and Users struggle with staying committed to health goals in the HealthifyMe App.

    Main Goal

    • An inspiring feature to keep users motivated in their fitness journey by giving them some kind of challenges.
    • A community where individuals can join to support each other reach their fitness goals.
    • Revamp the app’s interface, ensuring seamless navigation for users.

    Key findings from HealthifyMe App Heuristics Evaluation

    Why did we do the heuristics evaluation?

    1. To identify usability issues: With the help of heuristics, we able to spot some elements that might confuse or frustrate users.

    2. Enhance user Experience: We apply these heuristics on various screens & elements of the app to fix them. and enhance the user's experience.

    3. To optimize navigation: With help of these heuristics, we able to find some issues in app navigation that will confuse users in navigating throughout the app.

    4. Ensuring Consistency: To check throughout the healthifyMe app if all the icons, elements, fonts and colors are consistent or not.

    Although we have gathered substantial information from both secondary and primary research. To further understand the app’s areas of improvement, we engage in a heuristic's evaluation. This process allows us to delve deeper into its current shortcomings and acquire more valuable insights.

    💡 Ideas Exploration & Brainstorming

    Based on the Primary, secondary research & heuristics evaluation we try to come up with important feature that need to be introduced in the app.

    We’re actively brainstorming a range of creative concepts and potential features to introduce into the HealthifyMe app.

    Our aim is to make users' fitness journey more interesting & engaging. So, that they won’t lose their motivation to follow diet & Workout. 

    📱Ideas Selection & Making Wireframes

    Low-fidelity Wireframes

    We invested effort in studying HealthifyMe’s app, its competitors, and other health and fitness apps as we crafted paper wireframes. After careful observation, we sketched multiple layout options and refined them to find the most effective one. 

    Our process wasn't linear; it involves crafting a design, engaging in a 30-minute discussion, and then sparking fresh ideas for each design aspect. Before even reaching the mid-fidelity wireframes stage, we’ve already refined our wireframes 2–3 times. We’re mindful of our audience and prioritize crafting designs that are user-friendly, intuitive, and relatable to our target users.

    Mid- Fidelity Wireframes

    Why do we opt for this step before diving into high-fidelity wireframes?

    1. Efficient Iteration: It helps us to visualize how our designs look & also gives us the freedom to make changes before High-fidelity designs.
    2. Balanced Details: It introduces more details without prematurely committing to the final design, which helps us to facilitate a smooth transition.
    3. Flexibility in design direction: It helps us to discover a few screen options before we make the high-fidelity designs. 

    High Fidelity Wireframes

    🎬 Behind the Scenes (BTS) 

    🔎 My Learnings from this Project 

    This project provided me with a significant opportunity for learning and growth. As a team, we invested more effort than ever before. During our journey, we encountered challenging moments, especially when working on the challenges feature, discover page cards, and community page. There were times when we felt a bit directionless, but our determination kept us on course.

    I take great pride in our final result, and I also learnt a few things along the way:  

    1. Being a specialist is valuable, but when we work together across different fields, it can lead to remarkable results. In this project, task delegation was pivotal. With a variety of responsibilities and roles, we all had to bring a range of skills to the table to accomplish our goals.

    2. Embracing Teamwork: Working in a group is an enriching experience. Together, we generate ideas that often elude us when working alone.

    3. Putting Users First: In design, the utmost priority lies in comprehending user frustrations. It often involves delving deeper, as users might not always articulate their needs explicitly, relying on us to discern their true desires.